The Crimson Throne eBook Christi Stallard

The Crimson Throne eBook Christi Stallard
I truly enjoyed this story an hope that a follow-up is on the way. Exceedingly well written. A true full length story with excellent characters. Not your usual chapter or two and called a story. Not my usual genre but most impressive and very enjoyable I will look forward to other books by this author. THANK YOU!!
Tags : The Crimson Throne - Kindle edition by Christi Stallard. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Crimson Throne.,ebook,Christi Stallard,The Crimson Throne,Fiction Romance Fantasy,Fiction Romance Paranormal
The Crimson Throne eBook Christi Stallard Reviews
Highly recommended! I couldn't put it down! The storyline was captivating, and the characters were well developed and complex. This book is very well written, and a very good read! I can't wait to read more!
This page turner, set in the Pacific Northwest, is suitable for young adults, adults and all who enjoy adventure and fantasy, Eagerly awaiting Book 2!
Great book! Looking forward to sequel! Anyone who liked Twilight, Divergent, or Hunger Games series will love this book!
I've read a lot of Syfy but this one had me hooked from the beginning. It was a fast easy read. I can't wait for the 2nd book. This was a great debut book.
I am a very slow reader, not really huge book person, I have not finished this yet but I absolutely love it. Hooked me in immediately and such great writing, can't wait to read the second and more once they are released. Amazing and must read!! Such a talented young woman!!!
Young new author who, with her well written book, has restored my faith in our younger generation. With the advent of social networking so much has been taken from both creative writing and good grammar. Ms Stallard has used all the elements that in my opinion make a great book. She has a strong plot using her imagination, good character building skills, has made an easy flowing story to enjoy reading and leaves you wanting to read a sequel.
If your looking for a good book to read on the beach or vacation, this one will easily fill that need.
You are hooked from the beginning. You will find adventure, romance, the supernatural world of dragons, vampires, sirens and more. You can tell the author has done her research on her characters and creatures as we know them. I read the book in less than two days. I didn't want to put it down!
It's a page turner. This young author's writing style reminded me of reading a Jame Patterson novel.
I never felt like it slowed down. Quite the contrary. It was one adventure after the other. I am left now wanting more. What will happen to Sadie... Can't wait for the sequel!!!!
Excellent read and I highly recommend this book especially if you love fantasies!
I truly enjoyed this story an hope that a follow-up is on the way. Exceedingly well written. A true full length story with excellent characters. Not your usual chapter or two and called a story. Not my usual genre but most impressive and very enjoyable I will look forward to other books by this author. THANK YOU!!

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